Nordish Race Theory
We are Nordics - from the North! Norway, Denmark, Northern Germany and Sweden. It was from this small section of northern Europe that our race came in successive waves which poured over distant mountains and valleys, seas and oceans. Today the remnant may be found in colonies, large and small, in the most distant parts of the globe.
We of Virginia pride ourselves on our Anglo-Saxon ancestry. Anglo - from the Angles of Denmark, Saxon - from old Saxony in Germany. Anglo-Saxons are a combination of two sub-tribes that include in its Nordic race Norsemen or Vikings, Swabians, Franks, Goths, Vandals, Rus, and many others all calling themselves by different tribal names, but all belonging to the same Nordic race with the same original homeland and ancestors.
Racially there is no difference between an American or Englishman of Anglo-Saxon stock, and a Dane or German of Anglo-Saxon-Swabian stock, a Scot or Irishman of Viking-Celtic-Norman-Saxon stock, and a Swede, South African, or Australian of similarly varied Nordic stock. If it were not for our languages it would be impossible to distinguish between us merely by our looks, simply because as members of one racial family we are alike. Black hair - brown eyes, blond hair - gray eyes, but mostly sandy hair and blue eyes, and compared with other races, tall. Our skin colour and facial features are typically our own and cannot be confused with other races.
Whatever the nationality of our ancestors we are all kinsmen belonging to the same Nordic race.
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart in this site.
Oslonor, at 7:22 PM
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